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SBU’s Franciscan Institute sponsors scholars at International Medieval Congress


The Franciscan Institute at St. Bonaventure University is sponsoring two of its scholars to attend the International Congress on the Study of the Middle Ages at the University of Leeds in England, 7月1 - 4, as part of the institute’s initiative examining “St. Bonaventure as a Reader of St. 阿尔伯特大帝.”

安德鲁BelfieldDr. 安德鲁Belfield, assistant professor of Theology and 方济会的研究 and book review editor of SBU’s academic journal, 方济会的研究, 将加入博士. 路加福音Togni, the 2023-2024 研究 Fellow of the Franciscan Institute, who has organized the session. This is the fourth meeting of the initiative sponsored by the institute and organized by Togni since 2023, when Belfield was among its inaugural presenters.

The International Medieval Conference brings together more than 2,000 participants from 60 countries with over 2,100 papers presented. This year’s topic is “crisis” and the goal of the congress of scholars is “to contribute to wider society by presenting cutting-edge research on so many facets of crisis, whether it is the narratives of crisis, 危机记录, perceptions of crisis, responses to crisis, or interactions with crisis throughout the Middle Ages and beyond.”

The session brings together scholars from Europe and North America to continue the discussion not only of Bonaventure’s reading and engagement with 阿尔伯特大帝, but to also consider how the mendicants at Paris may have formed, 博士. Boyd Coolman of Boston College suggested, “one textual community.”

路加福音TogniThe year’s presenters include Dr. 丹尼斯·P. 布雷(圣. Mary’s College, University of St. 安德鲁斯),博士. 威廉·E. Crozier, (Department of Theology & Religion, Durham University), Dr. Matthew Vanderkwaak, (University of King’s College, Nova Scotia), and retired independent scholar Dr. Susan Potters, who studied Bonaventure under the late Dr. Ewert表亲. Dr. Lezlie Knox of Marquette University, who serves on the Franciscan Institute’s 研究 Advisory Council, will join the session along with Dr. Michael Hahn of Sarum College in Sali在布ry, UK.

In presenting these scholarships and sponsoring a special session at the University of Leeds, Fr. 大卫B. 啊,女裁缝师.F.M. 帽., director of the Franciscan Institute, noted the lectures’ importance.

“St. 阿尔伯特大帝, 多米尼加修士, was an extraordinary teacher at a time of crisis in the Middle Ages. He was a philosopher and theologian. He lectured on botany, astronomy, metaphysics and ethics. He invented the modern study of minerals. He is the patron saint of the natural sciences. Dominican friars and Franciscan friars studied together at the feet of St. 阿尔贝,”他说. “The Franciscan Institute continues that spirit of collaborative education. Our Franciscan scholars are bringing their expertise to Leeds to engage in conversations about how Albert’s genius influenced Bonaventure and Aquinas and how their scholarship can guide us through our crises today.”

The institute will publish papers from the initiative in the 方济会的研究 journal 今年, including Togni’s “Bonaventure as a Reader of 阿尔伯特大帝: A Short Introduction,” Belfield’s article on “Hypostases in Christ and the Work of Scholastic Christology: The Summa Halensis and 阿尔伯特大帝’s Commentary on the Sentence,” and other papers by Dr. John Kern of Pepperdine University, Samuel Baudinette, Ph.D. (萤石.) of the University of Chicago, and Jonathan Gaworski, Ph.D. (萤石.), of Catholic University of America.

The Franciscan Institute is an educational unit of St. Bonaventure University that provides research in Franciscan studies, publishes an academic journal, books and research papers, and sponsors courses, workshops and seminars in Franciscan studies. For more information, go to www.在布.edu/franciscaninstitute.


关于 the University: The nation’s first Franciscan university, St. Bonaventure University is a community committed to transforming the lives of our students inside and outside the classroom, inspiring in them a lifelong commitment to service and citizenship. Out of 167 regional universities in the North, St. Bonaventure was ranked #6 for value and #14 for innovation by U.S. News and World Report (2024).